Saturday, July 28, 2012

Reaching for the Extraordinary

John Murray
As the opening ceremonies for the 2012 Summer Olympics draw to a close this evening, I can't help but be reminded of the athletes who for years have pushed themselves to reach excellence. Giving up pleasures the rest of us have grown to enjoy and probably expect - such as sleeping in late or taking a vacation, which for an athlete negatively impacts their performance levels.

Having come from a family where not one but two nephews (Daniel Rohleder and John Murray) have pushed aside their own wants and desires year after year in order to qualify for the U.S. Olympic swim trials, I realize man was created with the drive to push the ordinary to the extraordinary.

I'm not talking about just elite athletes but you and I. The moments in life when we decide status quo is not nearly enough and we push ourselves to reach new heights with our families, careers, friends, and community.  Transforming ourselves as we lock-in on key factors that allow us to live life to the fullest, such as:
  • Dreams can only be achieved if we take a step toward them
  • Our body is always able to go 20% further than our mind allows it to believe it can
  • Our words define us by either bringing blessings or curses into our lives, so watch your tongue - it is the most powerful part of your body
When you reach for the extraordinary you can live a lifetime in a fraction of the time others do.  It's a matter of letting go of the world's standards and simply being who God created you to be - a light that shines brighter than those around you. Not that those individuals couldn't also shine as equally bright - instead their lights are dimmer because they don't see the potential in themselves. 

So if by chance you are accused of always accomplishing what you set your mind to, it might be a sign you shine brighter than others. If you haven't accomplished everything you desire, then push toward your dreams because they were given to you alone by God to achieve. Remember there is no guarantee of length of life so living out each day to the fullest is a testament to the mark we leave and a reminder that every life should be celebrated.

Reach for the extraordinary and you will find the amazing within yourself and others.

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