Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Our Journey: Unexpected Detours

Today I am beginning a series titled "Our Journey". It is intended to chronicle the lessons learned when Eddie and I found ourselves upon an unexpected life detour called Squamous Cell Carcinoma - a form of throat cancer. 

Life Detours

No one is immune to life detours. They arrive without warning and bring challenges that appear bigger than you and I. They impact multiple areas of our lives - mind, body, spirit, finances, even our peace. And although it feels as though they are intended to destroy us they are not. 

Detours catch you and I off guard but they never surprise God. He knew they were coming and designed how they would change us for the better. When you face detours with the right heart and mindset you can be certain God will make you wiser, stronger, and more humble of heart when all is said and done. 

Exit The Fast Lane

In order for a detour to truly change you, you have to exit the superhighway of life. That is the fast paced, always busy life we live on a normal basis. The one centered around a career, kids, meet-ups with friends, and community involvement. Where the hours are long and the quiet moments almost nonexistent. It's impossible to be fully changed if you remain in the fast lane, so God sends us down a side road. Think of it like a country road. The pace slower, views more captivating, and you actually can hear yourself think and your heart has time to feel emotions.

It's here that God begins to change us. His voice is heard more clearly and we see His hands moving through every area of our life. Such as a divine appointment with the right person at the right time to inspire and strengthen you on a day when you are down. Side roads are the perfect place to spend hours talking with God and meditating on His promises. The bible teaches us that faith to conqueror mountains begins by hearing the Word of God. Without it, how would you or I know what promises He gave us or how to use those promises to fight back in the tough times. We are intended to be warriors, victors - not victims. 

The Light On Our Path

God is pretty amazing when it comes to understanding what you and I are capable of managing. If He told us "A detour arrives tomorrow. It'll last 12 months. Here's a video of every tough challenge you will face. Starting with the bad medical report, the adverse reaction you will have to a portion of your treatment, the amount of money you will pay out that will leave you worrying about your future. Oh and here's the days when you'll be short with one another. Leaving you to feel as though you are totally alone. But don't worry - you're gonna make it to the other side.", you and I would crumble and fall apart. We would utterly be overwhelmed. 

So in God's infinite wisdom He does the exact opposite. He shows us just enough to get through the days right before us. It's like walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night using your cell phone as a light. You can't see everything around you. But you definitely know where to step next without hurting yourself, so step by step you make it there and back. 

Lessons Learned on the Journey

Recently God taught me something I will never forget. Up until this point, I always thought the best plan of attack for a detour was to pray about the solution you needed, such as "Father God, heal my husband. Make this cancer go away NOW". But in actuality, the best approach is to understand that all life challenges are momentary. They have a beginning, a middle, and an end. God brings solutions at the exact moment they are intended to arrive. 

Our greatest role in a life detour is to understand that there are amazing life lessons to learn on the journey to our solution. Don't focus only on the solution because it will assuredly arrive. Focus on every day in between. Just like the cell phone light - look for what is just a step before you, nothing more. There you will find life changing, character building, heart inspiring moments. There you will find the next level to the skills and talents God needs you to have to live out your divine destiny. 

Eddie and I are uncertain of the twists and turns ahead of us. All we need to know for now is that God has already made it clear He is with us. We have love for one another and we have endless family and friends who are by our side as we take this journey. Our only prayer is that we not miss a single lesson God intended for us to learn. We will be stronger, wiser, and more humble of heart when this life detour comes to an end. 

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